PROGRAM CODE: A0 STDO BFA CATALOG YEAR: 20094 Bachelor of Fine Arts - Studio Art College of Fine Arts ----------------------------------------------------------------- The University of Arizona ACADEMIC PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS REPORT ----------------------------------------------------------------- BFA Studio Arts program requires option The Bachelor of Fine Arts - Studio Art degree program offers majors in 4 options. The options are listed below: 1. Studio Art (Two Dimensional) 'A0 STDO BFA 2-D' 2. Studio Art (Three Dimensional) 'A0 STDO BFA 3-D' 3. Studio Art (Photography) 'A0 STDO BFA PHO' 4. Studio Art (Visual Communications) 'A0 STDO BFA VIC' ----------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Students should contact an academic
advisor for academic and career counseling.
Page last updated: September 01, 2009 [update]
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