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PROGRAM CODE: A9 PRPH UND                    CATALOG YEAR: 20044 
                       University College                        
                The University of Arizona                        
University Graduation Requirements                               
All course work and requirements for this degree must be         
completed prior to the date the degree is awarded.               
     - The University of Arizona and the Arizona Board of        
       Regents have sole discretion over all curricula changes.  
     - Courses, programs & requirements may be suspended,        
       deleted, restricted, or changed in any manner, at any     
     - Students must remain currently informed about all policies
       & other info that bears on completing a degree.           
Minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) Requirements                   
     - Major course work: 2.000 GPA in each discipline.          
     - Minor course work: 2.000 GPA in each minor.               
     - University of Arizona course work: 2.000 GPA.             
Units: See the 'Earned' total under 'Units required for this     
       degree' for a total minus any duplicate credit or excess  
       community college credit, and adjusted in accordance with 
       academic policies in your Catalog.                        
Application for Degree Candidacy                                 
     - Students must apply for degree candidacy in order to      
       graduate and receive a degree and diploma.                
     - Contact your college/major advisor to determine the       
       appropriate time to apply for degree candidacy.           
     - Detailed degree candidacy & graduation info available at  
OK     Admission to the degree program                           
       A minimum of 67 units of credit are required to apply and 
       compete for admission into the Doctor of Pharmacy program.
       UA University Credit                                      
  -  1) A minimum of 30 units of UA University Credit            
        (excluding correspondence credit and credit by exam) is  
          NEEDS: 30.00 UNITS                                     
  -  2) A minimum of 18 of the final 30 units taken toward       
        degree requirements must be UA University Credit.        
          NEEDS: 18.00 UNITS                                     
       UA Earned Hours & Cumulative GPA                          
       A 2.000 cumulative GPA is required to graduate from the   
       University of Arizona (excluding correspondence and       
       credit by exam).                                          
       Upper Division Units Requirement                          
       A minimum of 42 units of upper-division credit are        
       required for this degree.                                 
  -  1)   NEEDS: 42.00 UNITS                                     
       University Composition Requirements                       
  -  1)   NEEDS:                1 COURSE                         
        SELECT FROM: ENGL 101 ,103H,107                          
  -  2)   NEEDS:                1 COURSE                         
        SELECT FROM: ENGL 102 ,104H,108                          
   OR  AP Exam or Portfolio or ENGL 109H                         
  -  1) SELECT FROM: ENGL 109H                                   
       Mid-Career Writing Assessment                             
  -  1) The Mid-Career Writing Assessment is satisfied by        
        earning a grade of B or better in second semester        
        English Composition (ENGL 102, 104H, 108, or 109H).      
        Students who do not earn a grade of B or better in ENGL  
        102, 104H, 108, or 109H must also satisfy a college or   
        department writing requirement.                          
        SELECT FROM: ENGL 102 ,104H,108 ,109H                    
       Second Language - 2nd Semester Proficiency                
       Demonstrate second semester proficiency in a second       
       language by completing one of the following:              
  -  1) Pass a language proficiency examination at the second    
        semester level.                                          
  - OR)   NEEDS:                1 COURSE                         
        -> NOT FROM: SPAN 414 ,423A,423B,397W,406A,465C,465D     
           HIST 465D  ITAL 399  TO 399H,330A TO 330D  FREN 414 , 
           FREN 393 ,325 ,399  TO 399H                           
        SELECT FROM: ARB 102 ,401  TO 404 ,424B,425B,439B        
           CHN 102 ,201 ,202 ,403 ,404 ,415  TO 418 ,423 ,422    
           CRL 102 ,197A,201 ,202 ,297A,301 ,302 ,397A,497A      
           FREN 102 ,112 ,113 ,201 ,202 ,212 ,213 ,301  TO       
           FREN 443   GER 102 ,201 ,202 ,203 ,211   GRK 102 ,    
           GRK 104 ,201 ,202 ,204 ,402 ,412 ,421  TO 432         
           ITAL 102 ,102Z,201 ,202  TO 202Z,305A TO 420          
           JPN 102 ,201 ,202 ,403 ,405 ,415  TO 417 ,421 ,422    
           JUS 103B,203A,203B,303   LAT 102 ,201 ,202 ,212 ,     
           LAT 400  TO 428   LING 104B,204A,204B,307B  NES 102 , 
           NES 103B,201 ,202 ,203B,303   PRS 102 ,401  TO        
           PRS 404   PORT 102 ,205 ,206 ,305 ,325 ,425  TO       
           PORT 449   RSSS 101B,201A,201B,301A,301B,305 ,307A,   
           RSSS 307B,405A,405B,407A,407B  SERP 370B,431A,431B    
           SPAN 102 ,103 ,201 ,202 ,203 ,204C,205 ,206 ,302      
           TO 322 ,323  OR SPNV 323   SPAN 324 ,325  OR          
           SPNV 325   SPAN 326  TO 332 ,333  OR SPNV 333         
           SPAN 334  TO 339 ,340  OR SPNV 340   SPAN 341  TO     
           SPAN 349 ,350  OR SPNV 350   SPAN 351  TO 397B,398 ,  
           SPAN 399  OR SPNV 399   SPAN 400 ,401  OR             
           SPNV 401   SPAN 402 ,403  OR SPNV 403   SPAN 404      
           TO 432 ,433  OR SPNV 433   SPAN 434  TO 440 ,441      
           OR SPNV 441   SPAN 442  TO 447 ,448  OR SPNV 448      
           SPAN 449  OR SPNV 449   SPAN 450  OR SPNV 450         
           SPAN 451  TO 472 ,473  OR SPNV 473                    
           TURK 102 (FA05 OR AFTER),401 (FA05 OR AFTER),         
           TURK 402 (FA05 OR AFTER),403 (FA07 OR AFTER),         
           TURK 404 (SP08 OR AFTER)                              
        NOTE - Credit will not be given for a course at an       
        equivalent or lower level than prior language credit     
       Mathematics Requirement                                   
  -  1) Select 1 course.                                         
        SELECT FROM: MATH 113 ,124 ,125                          
       University General Education - Tier One                   
       Tier One courses with the same numbers, but different     
       subtitles, may be taken for elective credit if approved   
       by your advisor.                                          
  -  1) Individuals and Societies - fulfillment of Individuals   
        and Societies requires completion of two distinctly      
        numbered courses (e.g., INDV 101 & 103).                 
          NEEDS:                2 COURSES                        
        SELECT FROM: INDV 101 ,102 ,103                          
     2) Natural Sciences - Satisfied by course work completed    
        for the major.                                           
  -  3) Traditions and Cultures - fulfillment of Traditions and  
        Cultures requires completion of two distinctly numbered  
        courses (e.g., TRAD 102 & 104).                          
          NEEDS:                2 COURSES                        
        SELECT FROM: TRAD 101 ,102 ,103 ,104                     
       University General Education - Tier Two                   
  -  1) Fine Arts                                                
          NEEDS:  3.00 UNITS                                     
        SELECT FROM: ARE 130   ARH 201 ,202 ,203 ,312 ,314 ,     
           ARH 315 ,316A(FA06 OR AFTER),316B(FA06 OR AFTER),     
           ARH 319 (SP08 OR AFTER),322   ART 203 ,               
           ART 358 (S106 OR AFTER)  DNC 100 ,112A,112B,112C,     
           DNC 143 ,144A,144B,144C,152A,152B,152C,175 ,176A,     
           DNC 176B,177C(FA08 OR AFTER),177D(FA08 OR AFTER),     
           DNC 200 ,276A,276B  ENGL 209 ,210 ,300                
           HNRS 295B(SP05 OR AFTER)  HUMS 333 ,335 ,370          
           JPN 245   M AR 102 (FA99-S107),252 (S107 OR AFTER)    
           MUS 100 ,101A,107 ,108 ,109 ,231 ,237 ,328 ,334 ,     
           MUS 337 ,344 ,360   NES 344   T AR 100 ,103 ,238 ,    
           T AR 336                                              
  -  2) Humanities - prerequisite course work in Tier 1 (TRAD)   
        must be completed prior to taking.                       
          NEEDS:                1 COURSE                         
        SELECT FROM: AFAS 200 ,222 ,224 ,255 ,                   
           AFAS 315 (SP06 OR AFTER),320 ,381   CLAS 220 ,221 ,   
           CLAS 300 ,342 ,346 ,360   ENGL 220A,220B,231 ,260 ,   
           ENGL 261 ,265 ,267 ,280   FREN 280 ,282 ,283 ,284     
           GER 273 ,275 ,276 ,278 ,325 ,373 ,375 ,376 ,379       
           HNRS 200 (S108 OR AFTER)  HUMS 250A,250B,250C,250D,   
           HUMS 340 ,365   ITAL 230A,230B,240 ,250A,250B,250C,   
           ITAL 250D,330B  JPN 220 ,311                          
           JUS 301 (FA07 OR AFTER),372A,372B  MSE 317            
           NES 277A,330   PHIL 222 ,260 ,261 ,262 ,              
           PHIL 325 (SP08 OR AFTER)  RELI 250 ,300 ,304          
           RSSS 304 (SP07 OR AFTER)  RUSS 210 ,340 ,350          
           SPAN 210   UNVR 310 (FA06 OR AFTER)  W S 200          
  -  3) Individuals and Societies - prerequisite course work in  
        Tier 1 (INDV) must be completed prior to taking.         
          NEEDS:                1 COURSE                         
        SELECT FROM: A ED 408   AFAS 340   AGTM 380   ANTH 202 , 
           ANTH 203 ,205 ,206 ,207 ,307  OR ANTV 307             
           ANTH 316 ,320   AREC 350   CLAS 240 ,305 ,306 ,335 ,  
           CLAS 362   ECON 200 ,201A,210   EDL 200   ED P 200    
           FCSC 302 (S108 OR AFTER)  GEOG 210 ,251 ,256 ,367     
           GER 274   HUMS 260   ITAL 330D                        
           JUS 370A(SP05 OR AFTER),370B(SP05 OR AFTER)           
           LING 210 ,211   LRC 139 (FA08-SP09),204 ,             
           LRC 239 (SP09 OR AFTER)  MAS 265 ,365 ,375            
           MSE 259   NES 334   NURS 310 ,376                     
           PHIL 205 (FA07 OR AFTER),233 ,264 ,323 ,              
           PHIL 345 (SP08 OR AFTER),346   POL 201 ,202 ,203 ,    
           POL 204   PSYC 200 (S105 OR AFTER),277 ,461A          
           RCSC 204 (S108 OR AFTER)  RSSS 315 ,275 ,328          
           SERP 200   SOC 260 ,280   W S 210 ,240                
     4) Natural Sciences - satisfied by course work completed    
        for the major.                                           
       Diversity Emphasis Courses: Gender, Race, Class,          
       Ethnicity, Sexual Orientation or Non-Western Area Studies 
  -  1)   NEEDS:                1 COURSE                         
        SELECT FROM: A ED 408 (FA06 OR AFTER)  AFAS 222 ,255 ,   
           AFAS 302 ,304A,304B,306 ,315 (SP06 OR AFTER),340 ,    
           AFAS 342 ,381 ,444 (FA03 OR AFTER)  ANTH 202 ,203 ,   
           ANTH 205 ,206 ,307  OR ANTV 307   ANTH 316 ,320       
           ARH 203   CHN 251 ,275 ,276 ,331 ,340 ,341 ,419 ,     
           CHN 420 ,429 ,430 ,431 ,443 ,468 ,475A,475B,475D,     
           CHN 475E,482 ,483 ,495A  CLAS 362                     
           DNC 177C(FA08 OR AFTER),177D(FA08 OR AFTER)           
           EAS 130 ,333 ,345 ,350 ,445 ,452 ,487A,487B,496C      
           FREN 245 ,249   GEOG 210 ,251 ,369 ,413   GER 274 ,   
           GER 278 ,373 ,376   HIST 253 ,254 ,489   HUMS 260 ,   
           HUMS 333 ,365 ,370 ,420   ITAL 330B,330D  JPN 220 ,   
           JPN 245 ,272 ,304 ,310 ,311 ,396H,402 ,411 ,412 ,     
           JPN 446A,446B,447A,447B,485 ,486 ,489 ,495B,496A,     
           JPN 496C  JUS 370A(SP05 OR AFTER),                    
           JUS 370B(SP05 OR AFTER),372A,372B  LING 210           
           MAS 265 ,365 ,375   MUS 109 ,334 ,337 ,344            
           NES 277A,330 ,334   POL 330 ,332 ,334 ,335 ,441 ,     
           POL 464 ,468 ,476  OR POLV 476   POL 478 ,487A        
           RELI 210   RSSS 315 ,328 ,350   SOC 222 ,260 ,280 ,   
           SOC 324 ,427 ,450 ,459 ,467   SPAN 210   TRAD 101     
           UNVR 310 (FA06 OR AFTER)  W S 200 ,210 ,240           
       Pharmacy Pre-Major                                        
  -  1) Science Courses - 40 units of science courses are        
        required including those from the list below:            
          NEEDS: 40.00 UNITS                                     
        SELECT FROM: CHEM 103A & 103B (OR) 151 ,104A & 104B      
           (OR) 152 ,241A,241B,243A,243B  ECOL 182R & 182L       
           (OR) 182   MCB 181R,181L  MIC 205R,205L  PHYS 102 ,   
           PHYS 103 ,181 ,182                                    
  -  2) An additional 3 to 4 unit course with lab from           
        OR NUSC (ADVR101,301).                                   
          NEEDS:  3.00 UNITS                                     
        SELECT FROM: CHEM ****  BIOL ****  ECOL ****  VSC ****   
           MICR ****  PLS ****  PHYS ****  PSIO ****  BIOC ****  
           ADVR 101 ,301                                         
  -  3) Economics Electives - select 1 course.                   
        SELECT FROM: ECON 200 ,201A,201B                         
  -  4) Select 1 course.                                         
        SELECT FROM: MATH 113 ,124 ,125                          
       Pre-Pharmacy Major                                        
       Contact the College of Pharmacy, 626-4311 for advising,   
       program requirements, and admission information           
       Optional Minor                                            
       A minor is optional.  Select in consultation with your    
       major advisor.  Adjustments must be approved by the minor 
       Additional Course Work                                    
        Courses listed in this section may include general       
        elective credits, UA courses and transferable courses    
        from other institutions.  Consult with your advisor to   
        determine if courses listed in this section may be used  
        to fulfill a requirement or sub-requirement in your      
        degree program.                                          
       Excluded Course Work                                      
        Courses listed in this section may include               
        non-transferable units, remedial units, courses in       
        progress('K' grades), Academic Renewal (ACR) courses,    
        withdrawals, non-qualifying exams (AP, CLEP, IB), and    
        audited courses. Only courses with a grade of "C" or     
        better are transferable to UA.                           
********************* END OF ANALYSIS *********************      

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