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What are Minor Requirements Reports?

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PROGRAM CODE: EMIN ENED                      CATALOG YEAR: 19974 
                 English Teaching Minor (ENED)                   
                The University of Arizona                        
       English Teaching Minor (ENED)                             
       The English Teaching Minor (ENED) requires 21 units & is  
       only available to students enrolled in secondary          
       education teaching majos.                                 
-->  NEEDS: 21.00 UNITS                                          
  -  1) 9 upper division units are required for this minor.      
          NEEDS:  9.00 UNITS                                     
  -  2) Select 5 courses.                                        
        SELECT FROM: ENGL 306  OR ENGV 306   ENGL 380  OR        
           ENGV 380   ENGL 406 ,410 ,411  OR ENGV 411            
  -  3) Select 1 course.                                         
        SELECT FROM: ENGL 370A,370B                              
  -  4) Select 1 course.                                         
        SELECT FROM: ENGL 265 ,278 ,279 ,371A OR ENGV 371A       
           ENGL 371B OR ENGV 371B  ENGL 443 ,477  OR             
           ENGV 477   ENGL 478 ,482 ,483 ,484A,484B,486  OR      
           ENGV 486   ENGL 488A,488B                             

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Students should contact an academic advisor for academic and career counseling.

Page last updated: March 27, 2009 [update]

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