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PROGRAM CODE: MIN MKTG                       CATALOG YEAR: 20094 
                     Marketing Minor (MKTG)                      
                The University of Arizona                        
       Marketing Minor (MKTG)                                    
       The Marketing Minor requires a minimum of 18 units which  
       must include 15 units of upper division course work.      
       Preference for admission to the minor will be given to    
       juniors and seniors.  See department for details.         
       NOTE: A 2.00 Minor GPA is required for this minor.        
-->  NEEDS: 18.00 UNITS                                          
  -  1) 9 upper division units are required for this minor.      
          NEEDS:  9.00 UNITS                                     
  -  2) Prerequisite courses for the minor - Students must       
        complete the following prior to attempting remaining     
        courses required for the minor.  BNAD303 is a required   
        course - 2 courses required.                             
        SELECT FROM: BNAD 303 (R)  ACCT 200   ECON 200           
           MKTG 301                                              
  -  3) Core Courses - select 6 courses.                         
        SELECT FROM: MKTG 304 ,306 ,307 ,308 ,309 ,310           

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