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PROGRAM CODE: MIN ENGL                       CATALOG YEAR: 20064 
                      English Minor (ELE)                        
                The University of Arizona                        
       English Minor (ENGL)                                      
       English Minor (ENGL) requires a minimum of 21 units       
       (18 for students in SBS).                                 
       NOTE: A 2.00 Minor GPA is required for this minor.        
-->  NEEDS: 21.00 UNITS                                          
       English Minor (ENGL)                                      
  -  1) 9 upper division units are required for this minor.      
          NEEDS:  9.00 UNITS                                     
  -  2) A. Core Courses - Select 1 course                        
        SELECT FROM: ENGL 380  OR ENGV 380                       
     3) Remaining courses must be chosen in consultation with    
        an English Department academic advisor.                  
        SELECT FROM: ADVR 120  TO 124 ,320  TO 324               

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Page last updated: February 12, 2010 [update]

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