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PROGRAM CODE: EMIN SPED                      CATALOG YEAR: 20034 
                 Spanish Teaching Minor (SPED)                   
                The University of Arizona                        
       Spanish Teaching Minor (SPED)                             
       The Spanish Teaching Minor requires 20 units and is only  
       available to students enrolled in secondary education     
       teaching majors.                                          
-->  NEEDS: 20.00 UNITS                                          
  -  1) 9 upper division units are required for this minor.      
          NEEDS:  9.00 UNITS                                     
  -  2) Select 3 courses.                                        
        SELECT FROM: SPAN 325  OR SPNV 325   SPAN 340  OR        
           SPNV 340   SPAN 350  OR SPNV 350                      
  -  3) 11 hours required.                                       
          NEEDS: 11.00 UNITS                                     
        SELECT FROM: SPAN 201  TO 322 ,323  OR SPNV 323          
           SPAN 324 ,325  OR SPNV 325   SPAN 326  TO 332 ,333    
           OR SPNV 333   SPAN 334  TO 339 ,340  OR SPNV 340      
           SPAN 341  TO 349 ,350  OR SPNV 350   SPAN 351  TO     
           SPAN 398 ,399  OR SPNV 399   SPAN 400 ,401  OR        
           SPNV 401   SPAN 402 ,403  OR SPNV 403   SPAN 404      
           TO 432 ,433  OR SPNV 433   SPAN 434  TO 440 ,441      
           OR SPNV 441   SPAN 442  TO 447 ,448  OR SPNV 448      
           SPAN 449  OR SPNV 449   SPAN 450  OR SPNV 450         
           SPAN 451  TO 472 ,473  OR SPNV 473   SPAN 474  TO     
           SPAN 498 ,499  OR SPNV 499                            

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Page last updated: March 27, 2009 [update]

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