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PROGRAM CODE: MIN MAR                        CATALOG YEAR: 20024 
                     Media Arts Minor (MAR)                      
                The University of Arizona                        
       Media Arts Minor                                          
       Students are not currently being admitted to the Media    
       Arts minor.                                               
       Media Arts Minor (MAR)-- requires a minimum of 19 units   
       Advanced Standing is required for MAR 300/400 level       
-->  NEEDS: 19.00 UNITS               2 REQUIREMENTS             
       Upper Division Units                                      
       9 upper division units are required for this minor.       
  -  1)   NEEDS:  9.00 UNITS                                     
       Core Courses:                                             
-->  NEEDS:                           1 SUB-REQT.                
  -  1) Select 3 courses.                                        
        SELECT FROM: M AR 200 ,201 ,203                          
       Media Arts Minor                                          
       9 units required.                                         
-->  NEEDS:  9.00 UNITS                                          
  -  1) 6 hours required.                                        
          NEEDS:  6.00 UNITS                                     
        -> NOT FROM: M AR 199 ,291  TO 299H,391  TO  394,397A    
           TO 399H,491  TO 494 ,497A TO 497H,499 ,499H           
        SELECT FROM: M AR 3***,4***                              
     2) No more than 3 units may be applied to the minor from:   
        SELECT FROM: M AR 199 ,291  TO 299H,391  TO 394A,397A    
           TO 399H,491  TO 494 ,497A TO 497H,499  TO 499H        

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Page last updated: March 27, 2009 [update]

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