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What are Minor Requirements Reports?

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PROGRAM CODE: EMIN PEED                      CATALOG YEAR: 20024 
            Physical Education Teaching Minor (PEED)             
                The University of Arizona                        
       Physical Education Teaching Minor (PEED)                  
       The Physical Education Teaching Minor requires 39 units   
       and is only available to students enrolled in secondary   
       education teaching majors.                                
-->  NEEDS: 39.00 UNITS                                          
  -  1) 9 upper division units are required for this minor.      
          NEEDS:  9.00 UNITS                                     
  -  2) Select 12 courses.                                       
        SELECT FROM: PE 285 ,355 ,360 ,371 ,373 ,374 ,380 ,      
           PE 381 ,394B,410   PSIO 201 ,202                      
  -  3) Select 1 course.                                         
        SELECT FROM: PE 261 ,377                                 
  -  4) 5 courses with a minimum of 8 units from:                
          NEEDS:  8.00 UNITS                                     
        SELECT FROM: PE 208  TO 232                              

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Page last updated: March 27, 2009 [update]

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