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What are Minor Requirements Reports?

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PROGRAM CODE: EMIN PHED                      CATALOG YEAR: 20014 
                 Physics Teaching Minor (PHED)                   
                The University of Arizona                        
       Physics Teaching Minor (PHED)                             
       The Physics Teaching Minor requires 18 units and is only  
       available to students enrolled in secondary education     
       teaching minors.                                          
-->  NEEDS: 18.00 UNITS                                          
     1) Select 3 courses.                                        
        SELECT FROM: PHYS 151 ,152 ,251                          
    OR) Select 3 courses.                                        
        SELECT FROM: PHYS 141 ,142 ,241                          
    OR) Select 3 courses.                                        
        SELECT FROM: PHYS 141H,142H,241H                         
    OR) Select 4 courses.                                        
        SELECT FROM: PHYS 131 ,181 ,132 ,182                     
  -  2) SELECT FROM: PHYS 433                                    
  -  3) 3 hours required.                                        
          NEEDS:  3.00 UNITS                                     
        SELECT FROM: PHYS 3***,4***                              
     4) Remaining units from:                                    
        SELECT FROM: PHYS ****                                   

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Page last updated: March 27, 2009 [update]

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